Macro XEDIT (from Fraktal SAS Programming)

Version vom 6. Januar 2016, 18:39 Uhr von Wolf-Dieter Batz (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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What it does

This SAS Macro opens a Program Editor Window in the SAS Display Manager and loads the file specified by parameters xpath and xentry.

  • When xpath is not supplied, the macro XSET is called to get the user's home directory and then uses this path.
  • When xentry is not given, the macro calls XDIR to list the directory content in the LOG screen.

Annotated Code

Code executed Function performed

%MACRO xedit(xentry,xpath);

Start macro definition with name and positional parameters xentry and xpath.

%LOCAL xpath;

Declare scope for xpath to be local.


Start branch for condition "xpath not specified".


Call macro XSET to obtain user's home directory.

%LET xpath = &HOMESHARE.;

Populate xpath with content from homeshare.


End branch for condition "xpath not specified".

filename path "&XPATH";

Create file reference using xpath.


Start branch for condition "xentry is not empty".


Open Program Editor window in SAS display manager.

DM "inc path(&XENTRY.)";

Load text file specified by xentry from directory specified by xpath.


End branch for condition "xentry is not empty".


Start branch for condition "xentry is empty".


Call macro XDIR to show content in user's home directory.


End branch for condition "xentry is empty".

filename path clear;

Clear fileref pointing to xpath.

%MEND xedit;

Finalize macro definition with name.


