Eugenik (Literaturliste)

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Um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert war Eugenik ein Mega-Trend, der die gesamte industrialisierte Welt quasi "elektrisierte" und der Gesamtheit von Forschung und Wissenschaft eine neue Blick-Richtung, eine neue Perspektive gab. Die Idee, die vorhandenen Human Resources ("Humankapital") einerseits nach wissenschaftlich abgesicherten Kriterien zu ordnen, andrerseits diese Ordnung zur gezielten - wirtschaftlichen - Allokation von Interventionen zu nutzen, ist ein plausibles Motiv für einen solchen Perspektivwechsel, der tatsächlich eine Modellverbesserung im Sinne eines präzisierten Menschenbildes war.
Welche Breite dieser Perspektivwechsel hatte, läßt sich, ebenso wie seine Dauer, aus den themen-spezifischen Publikationen erkennen. Die nachfolgende Literaturliste von Paul A. Lombardo und Gregory M. Dorr stammt aus dem Jahr 2000.
Autor Titel Organ Datum
Adams, Mark The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil and Russia New York: Oxford 1993
Alexander, Leo Public Mental Health Practices in Germany: Sterilization and Execution of Patients Suffering from Nervous or Mental Disease National Archives, Combined Intelligence Objective Subcommittee, G2 Division, SHAEF (Rear) APO 413 1949
Alexander, Leo Medical Science Under Dictatorship 571-591 1948
Allen, Garland Science Misapplied: The Eugenics Age Revisited Current 388:7 December 1, 1996
Allen, Garland Eugenics and American Social History, 1880-1950 31 Genome 885 1989
Allen, Garland Natural Selection, Heredity and Eugenics (Book Review) 77:1 Isis 168 1986
Allen, Garland The Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor, 1910-1940: An Essay in Institutional History 2 OSIRIS 225-264 1986
Allen, Garland Eugenics and Politics in Britain, 1900-1914 (Book Review) 70:4 Isis 634 1979
Allen, Garland Genetics, Eugenics and Society: Internalists and Externalists in Contemporary History of Science Social Studies of Science 6 105 1976
Allen, Garland Genetics, Eugenics and Class Struggle 79 Genetics 29 1975
Altmann, R. The Law of the Select Living Age 132 October 1939
Aly, Gotz et. al. Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994
American Journal of Heredity Feeblemindedness: A Serious Problem to Eugenicists -- Two-thirds due to Heredity -- Many Grades of Arrested Development, Shading Imperceptibly Into Normal Population -- Manner of Inheritance 2 American Journal of Heredity 32 1915
American Medical Association Reappraisal of Eugenic Sterilization Laws 173 JAMA 11 1960
American Medical Association Eugenic Sterilization is Legal in 28 States 4:1 AMA News 1961
American Medical Association Sterilization, Consent, and Public Policy 4:2 AMA News 1961
Androp, Serge The Probability of Commitment for a Mental Disorder of Any Kind Based on the Individual's Family History 10 Eugenics Research Association Monograph Series 1935
Baer, Adela S. Heredity and Society: Readings in Social Genetics New York: The Macmillan Company 1973
Barkan, Elazar Reevaluating Progressive Eugenics: Herbert Spencer Jennings and the 1924 Immigration Legislation 24:1 Journal of the History of Biology 91 1991
Barker, David The Biology of Stupidity: Genetics, Eugenics and Mental Deficiency in the Inter-War Years, 22 BJHS 347-375 1989
Stephan, Nancy Leys The Hour of Eugenics: Race, Gender and Nation in Latin America Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1991
Stern, Curt Selection and Eugenics 110 Science 201 1949
Stoddard, Lothrop In a Eugenics Court from Out of the Darkness: Nazi Germany Today New York: Duell, Sloan and Pierce 1940
Stoddard, Lothrop The New Realism of Science, Racial Realities in Europe New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1924
Stoddard, Lothrop The Rising Tide of Color: Against White World Supremacy New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1923
Stoddard, Lothrop The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1922
Stoddard, Lothrop Should the Negro Be Encouraged to Cultural Equality? 78 Forum 500 1927
Strode, Aubrey Sterilization of Defectives Virginia Law Review 296 February 1925
Thomalla, C. The Sterilization Law in Germany The Scientific American 126 September 1934
TIME Sterilization and Heredity TIME 73 15 April 1957
TIME Improving the Breed TIME 62 17 January 1955
TIME Furor About Sterilization TIME 59 22 November 1954
TIME Castration and the Court TIME 51 5 May 1952
TIME Sterilization Cry TIME 43 17 December 1945
TIME Eugenics for Democracy TIME 34 9 September 1940
TIME Crime: Finishing Schools TIME 15 8 November 1937
TIME Sterilization Flayed TIME 80 16 November 1936
TIME $500,000 Operation TIME 42 20 January 1936
TIME Germany: Meanest Mother TIME 20 9 September 1935
TIME Praise for Nazis TIME 20 9 September 1935
Trent, James W. Inventing the Feeble Mind: A History of Mental Retardation in the United States Berkeley: University of California Press 1994
Tucker, William H. The Science and Politics of Racial Research Urbana: The University of Illinois Press 1994
Tudenham, Edward G. D. Racism and Eugenics in International Context 53 American Journal of Human Genetics 6:1367 1993
Turano, Anthony M. Sterilization of the Unfit The Forum 122 February 1934
Ungern-Sternberg, Roderich The Causes of the Decline in Birth-Rate Within the European Sphere of Civilization 4 Eugenics Research Association Monograph Series August 1931
Vigue, Charles L. Eugenics and the Education of Women in the United States 19:2 Journal of Educational Administration and History 51 1987
Wagner-Manslau Heredity as an Explanation of the Declining Birth-Rate 6 Eugenics Research Association Monograph Series August 1931
Wallum, Harold J. Compulsory Eugenic Sterilization, Biology and the Constitution (unpublished thesis) Harvard Law School 1958
Ward, Harold The Dilemma of Eugenics The New Republic 24 April 1935
Weinberg, Michael D. Sterilization (unpublished thesis) Harvard Law School 1960
Weindling, Paul The Survival of Eugenics in 20th-Century Germany 52 The American Journal of Human Genetics 3:643 1993
Weindling, Paul Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism, 1870- 1945 London: Cambridge University Press 1989
Weiss, Sheila Faith Race Hygiene and National Efficiency: The Eugenics of Wilhelm Schallmayer Berkeley: University of California Press 1987
Whitney, E. Arthur Sterilization (Letter to Editor) The Atlantic Monthly 16 January 1951
Wiggam, Albert E. The New Decalogue of Science Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill 1922
Woodruff, Charles E. Prevention of Degeneration the Only Practical Eugenics 3 Proceedings of the American Breeders Association 247 1909
Woodside, Moya Sterilization in North Carolina: A Sociological and Psychological Study Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1950